Hello, my name is Honey. I am an 8-year-old Papillion. My mom has had me since I was 8 weeks old! I weigh 5lbs 9 oz, a little package but I think I’m a big german shepherd! LOL
When I was 4yrs old I found my Mom passed out on the bathroom floor. I pawed at her face to wake her up. Her left side would not move! She told me to go get Daddy. I ran to the room and woke my Daddy up letting him know Mom was in trouble. He came in there and took Mom to the hospital. After that Mom talked with her doctor and decided to register me as her service dog! I go everywhere mom goes ..restaurants, doctor appointments, vacation etc. I have been her best friend and have brought so much happiness and love to my family. Now it is my turn to shine! Thank you so much for this opportunity.